Florida Street Project
Access California Preschool, Transitional, Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program
The Program was established by Assembly Bill 1808, the Education Finance: Education Omnibus Trailer Bill, and was approved by the Governor and chaptered June 27, 2018. The General Fund appropriated $100,000,000 in one-time grants for the construction of new classrooms or the retrofit of existing facilities for the purpose of providing full-day kindergarten instruction.
The Program was expanded by Assembly Bill 130, the Education Finance: Education Omnibus Trailer Bill, and was approved by the Governor and chaptered July 9, 2021. The expanded program includes the addition of California Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten funding eligibility. The General Fund appropriated $490,000,000 in one-time grants for the construction of new classrooms or the retrofit of existing facilities for the purpose of providing California preschool, transitional kindergarten or full-day kindergarten instruction.
Banning Unified School District applied for the grant and will be receiving $8.4 million in State grant funding. The District's grant matching funds requirement is $1.5 million from capital facilities funds. The total project cost is estimated at $9.9 million.

Construction Timeline
Preconstruction, Development, design of project and DSA approval. Completed
Construction of Modular buildings (off site) Mid-February – Mid-April
Demolition Site demolition and site preparation for new buildings. In progress
Ground Breaking: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Staff Only
Placement of new buildings. Mid-March
Finish site work. June- August
District move in. Mid to late August
Update of Progress
North portion of the project, the underground utilities and rough grading have been completed. Modular building footings are being constructed. South portion of project, excavation continues, underground utilities will start once rough grading is completed. Modular buildings are currently under construction and are scheduled to be delivered in mid-April.