Student Transfer Options

Banning Unified School District offers our community a variety of choices for transferring their student(s) to a school within the District or a school outside the District of residence.  Banning Unified School District’s transfer policy adheres to District-specific guidelines that adhered to Board Policies 5116.1, 5117, and 5118; as well as California Education Code sections 46600–46610 and California Education Code Section 35160.5(b).  

Approval, denial, or revocation of transfer requests may occur for any of the following reasons:

  1. Space availability

  2. Unsatisfactory attendance

  3. Unsatisfactory citizenship/behavior

  4. Unsatisfactory academic performance

  5. Providing false information in making a transfer request

  6. Or other reasons that may be determined by the Board of Education

If a request for an inter-district transfer/reciprocal agreement is denied, the student’s parents/guardians may file an appeal to the county office of education in the student’s district of residence within 30 days of receipt of the official notice of denial of the transfer.

For any questions related to transfer requests, please contact the Centralized Registration at (951) 922-2702 ext. 304015

Transfer Request Process