Dr. Tonia Causey-Bush
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Email: tcauseybush@banning.k12.ca.us
Phone: (951) 922-0200
Cell: (951) 306-6739
Educational Services

The Academic Division is responsible for ensuring a quality, balanced and robust teaching and learning program within an environment that has multiple tiered systems of support around the academic, behavioral and social emotional needs of students. The following goals form the foundation of the Academic Division including our Local Control and Accountability Plan and School Plans for Student Achievement:
Accelerate student academic achievement through rigorous and engaging culturally and linguistically responsive and standard-based instructional strategies preparing all students to be college and career ready upon graduation and to be lifelong learners including the academic and language development needs of English Learners and build the capacity of teachers and principals as instructional leaders
Cultivate a safe and healthy learning environment in a climate that is culturally responsive to all students and staff, has tiered academic, behavior, and social emotional interventions and supports and provides emotional safety for students and staff
Increase parent and community engagement by developing sustained and transparent relationships with community stakeholders as partners and collaborators
The Academic Team is proud to serve the students and staff of the Banning Unified School District in the targeted goal of accelerating the academic achievement of every student and positioning teachers as successful and empowered practitioners. Please feel free to reach out to us by selecting from the department links listed below.
Educational Services Staff

Janet Ramirez
Executive Secretary
Email: jramirez@banning.k12.ca.us
Phone: (951) 922-0200
Cell: (951)692-6282
Betty Fernandez
Bilingual Clerk
Email: bfernandez@banning.k12.ca.us
Phone :(951) 922-0205
Cell:(951) 492-9093
The Educational Services Team consists of the following Departments:
Instructional Services, Special Education, Student Services and Innovation and Technology