All Day, Every Day!

September is Attendance Awareness Month. The Banning Unified School District is kicking off the month by launching its 2023-2024 campaign, ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!  

We celebrate Attendance Awareness Month to increase consistent student attendance throughout our District during September and for the remainder of the school year. Use this month as a catalyst to launch proactive student and family engagement activities geared toward increasing consistent attendance and raising academic outcomes.

Sadly, chronic absentee rates are at an all-time high. Attendance Awareness Month is an opportunity to gain information and resources that support  school site efforts to successfully engage our students.

The Banning Unified School District has partnered with School Innovations & Achievement (A2A) and Attendance Works to offer resources to assist, guide, and support our schools in these efforts. Resources help us build classrooms and campuses where every student knows that they are an important member of the learning community. Resources also provide critical tools for schools to engage families with positive and supportive messages that encourage consistent attendance. When students and families know their attendance matters, we see significant increases in attendance rates and corresponding gains in academic indicators.

Thank you all for your efforts to make  Attendance Awareness Month meaningful and successful. This school year provides the opportunity to create and extend positive and supportive conditions for learning that foster growth and elevate the strengths of every student. #AllDayEveryDay